Saturday, August 4, 2007

Went to hospital again.

I got up very early, because today I was going hospital before 7 AM.

I finished everything about 6 AM.

I am got in taxi went to Ramathibadi with my fiend.

I reached there about 6.30 AM.

The dentist did not came yet 1 waited about 7.10 the dentist came.

I got to a queue. Many people waited for the dentist card.

I was first person nurse told me and every body 8.30. A nurse called me.

She sent me to X-ray teeth. I waited this department for long time.

When about 10.30 I came back and sent film X-ray to the dentist.

After she looked at film X-ray.

She dated me come on because she had to estimated about characteristic teeth.

17th August 2002.

Oh! I had to came here again.

Before I came back dormitory. The dentist told me to pierced blood.

I did not know why I only extracted teeth.

Why I had to pierced blood? After finished I came back dormitory immediately

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