Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Opening ceremony

August 8, 2007

I got up about 9 o’clock.

I went to Rajamakala stadium about 11 o’clock.

I did work until 5 PM. My work finished.
All seat around stadium full of people. Before, opening ceremony,

Had a sky driving show.

Then, singers frome GMM ang RS sing songs.

They made the people happy. Include me too.

After that, procession came to stadium.

When Angola country passed us they threw a caps.

My fiend received it.

When Australia country passed they there little them flags.

My sister's friend received it.

I though it was a denting of her, because she has a plan going to study at Australian.
After that, Italy passed. I received brooch.

It is a small brooch, but I though it has very beautiful for me.

I liked it so much.

About 7.30 PM. Open Universiate ceremony.

Firework was set fire up. The atmosphere for a while was very romantic.

I watched showing until the end ceremony.

Then, I had dinner with my friends, and came back dormitory.

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