Thursday, August 2, 2007


August 1, 2007

I went to Ramathibodi Hospital.

I got on a 537 bus in front of ABAC , got off the bus at Victory monument.

From then on I got on a 8 bus at Victory monument and got off the bus at Ramathibodi Hospital.

I reached there on about 1 PM, because in the morning,

I took my friend to register at Ramkamkang University before,

but she did not able to do, so she also entrust instead her friend did it.

When I reached here I asked a nurse.

She told me if you came to met dentist you must to reach here before 7 PM.

Oh!! My God. I did not know. I never came to hospital in Bangkok.

I did not want it lose my time. I made the new hospital card.

I was going again in tomorrow. After that, I came back to my dormitory.


When I got on a 537 bus.

I did not care everything around me.

I sat and listen song with my friend beside me.

When the bus came to Param 9 Road.

I did not know what happened, but in front of the bus had water gust.

It was hot water. The people sat in front of run up to the door that had only one.

I hurried to go too. I was people jostled, but I can got off by out of danger.

I understood at that time that how was dieing escape.

When I looked at my friend. She stood beside me. She was scared.

Her shoe did not was in her feet. She forgot it in the bus.

we came back to dormitory by taxi immediately.

When the taxi forward my dormitory I got off before, because I had urgent business.

After I finished. I walked back. Suddenly. Rainfall hardly.

I wet all body ,and at night I had a headache.

This day was bad day really!!.

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