Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dental service

I returned Ramathibodi hospital again, because I had a dated with dentist this day. When I got up, I awoke my sister and my friend to take a bath before me. After that I slept again. =_=!! My sister is a nurse student. She had a conference at Radvithee hospital the place near Victory Monument that I will pass when I went to Ramathidodee hospital, so she came to rested with me.

When we reached Radvithee hospital. We had a breakfast together. I went to Ramathibodi hospital urgently with my friend after I sent my sister at the conference room. I towed my friend came with me, because I feared a dentist very much. I used to have a bad story with a dentist. The story that I never forgot!!.

I had a time only 20 minute to went Ramathibodi hospital. Eventually, I reached dental service in time. In fact, I reached here before dated time about 2 minute ^_^. When I sent a appointment card. I sat dawn waited for a dentist call me.

1 hours pass. The dentist did not call me yet. I felt excited very much. I wanted to go restroom, but I afraid the dentist called.

2 hours pass. Did not have anything happen. I can not bear anymore. I ran to restroom immediately. Then, I came back. I asked my friend that Did the dentist called me? My friend answered me quickly. “NO!!”

For a while, Had a patient came in dental service. She sat in front of me in a pushcart. She was fearful. Her eyes cant not saw anything. Her body full of wounds. At that time, I felt bad. I thought nothing permanent in the world.

Half a hours pass. A woman who sat near me she stared to complain, because she came hear at 05.30 AM, but now the dentist did not call her yet. Ohh!!! I did not know how can I helped her, cause I also did not different from her.

Finally, the dentist called me. I walked followed her came in to 3th room. I laid dawn on a dental bed. The dentist took a fabric closed my face, had only mouth left. After that, she injected anesthetic 2 hypodermic noodle. About 15 munite pass. The dentist started to perform. When she saw me excited. She smile and pacified me. She told that first time was excited everyone. I thought she was a good dentist. I liked her so much. She was kind. She did me gave up fear dentist at least at a moment.

While the dentist was performing to uproot my impact. I felt different. It did not hurt, but it did me tickle.

After finish, I almost slept. I arose, looked at my tooth. It was divided in 4 pieces. The dentist used many equipment. She gave me bit a gauze for stoped blood. I felt that I swallowed much blood!!.

I paid money all about 1700 Bath. Split impact 1550 Bath, and medicine expense 75 Bath. The dentist made an appointment me again on Friday24, 2007.

When I got up in a bus came dormitory. I had an ache around right cheek at the impact was split, so I took an analgesic. It made me better, but little. When I reached dormitory. I bought ice and took it press softly. It did me better more.

At the evening, my mother called me. Her symptom was now better. She asked me about my symptom too. I told her that I felt OK.

The Next day, I got up. I felt my tongue had only blood. I can not brush my tooth, because I had still an ache. I brought a salt mixed water, and take it rinsed my mouth. After that, I used a towel mopped warm water press softly at my cheek. I felt good. =_=!!.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

That sounds like some hefty tooth pulling!!