Tuesday, September 4, 2007


On Wednesday
I went to Ramathibodi hospital again. It was the second time that I pulled a new tooth or an impact. I had appointment at 11 a.m. but, I got to pull at 1 p.m., because the dentist had an urgent case. This time, I pained more than last time. When finished, I came back to dormitory. I bought ice to soften compress cheek, but I till pained. The anesthetic that the dentist injected into gum. It did me numb from cheek up to head. After that I slept.
At the evening. My friend cooked a kind of clear soup. She woke up me, and we had dinner together. I pained my wound, so I can ate a little.

On Thursday.
I got up with painful, but less than yesterday. I usually went to University on this day. I had English I class. The teacher gave class presented about sport. I used to present the sport that I and my partner got it. It was a badminton. The teacher forgot the score that we got, so we need to did it again. It was a long time that did I forgot about it. I till pained, but can not complained, because it was for score.

On Friday
I help my friend to revolute her room. Her room very untidy. We did it from 10 a.m. and finished at 5 p.m.. I tried very much.
This day, my older sister name is Numsom. It is mean orange juice. She studies at Mahasarakham University in the faculty of Fine and Apply Arts, Major Thai Music. She is a singer in a band of this major. She studies in Thai Music major, but she helps the Folk Music major. She sing a song and dance in the folk music major.
In the evening, I went to Kasetsart University for visited her. I left dormitory about 7 p.m. and reached there about 8.30 p.m.. It was traffic jam.
I and my sister conversed too late a night. We hardly had a time. We talked too many story, so I forgot what we talked. I knew only I had a lot of fun.

On Saturday.
My sister woke up me very early, because she had a contest this day. When we finished everything. We went to supatchalasai stadium. The place that my sister had a contest. Before she was going to show. She made up her face. I helped her made it, and helped her got dresses. My sister’s team got to show was the third team. When they finished the show. My sister and her friends went back to Kasetsart University immediately, because they had a Thai music show in the Maha chat sermon festival. This sermon was about the story of the last earthly existence of the Lord Buddha. This story has thirteen chapters. When the priest finished preach each chapter of the Maha Chat. The Thai band played music.

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